From: USA Today*

Date: November 25, 1992

Headline: Critic's Choice

Photo(s): by Anthony Neste/"JOEL HODGSON: Mystery Science Theater 3000 host" [Joel "spins" planet on finger.]

Author: Roush, Matt

Page(s): D [unknown]


"Mystery Science Theater 3000" (Comedy Central, starting tonight at 6 ET/PT): Forget parades and football. The bet holiday TV is this 30-hour "Turkey Day Marathon" of the world's worst movies, lampooned by cable's funniest folk icons: stranded-in-space Joel Hodgson and his robot buddies. the titles include "Viking Women and the Sea Serpent", "Giant Gila Monster" and "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians". The worse the film, the funnier the wisecracks.